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Biden: enemy of the free world

Faced with the constant wrong predictions and forecasts of the experts in international relations that the masses choose to applaud and take as references, blaming Donald Trump has been adopted as a means of escape and justification.

Why Trump? Because he has a hairstyle that does not match the high aesthetics demanded by the left and the third world snobbery, because it offends the good name of the tyrant Xi Jinping, because he demanded to comply with the law enter the United States, because he lowered taxes, because he removed regulations, because he demanded that Europe comply with their NATO overdue payments, because he placed the United States where it belongs: at the top of the world; America first.

This is exactly what annoys the leftists so much.

The radical left/communists have once again gain ground all around the world under the disguises of ecofascism, racist accusations of racism, hormonal experimentation on children and by trying to convince us that China's economic success is a result of their ancient tradition which gives them a superior wisdom and not because of intellectual property theft, their infiltration of spies in other countries and their perverse system based on slaves.

This “new” left, which is tailor-made for snobs of underdeveloped intellectualism, is endorsed by many who do not want to be identified as socialists or communists and who, furthermore, consider themselves on a higher scale by calling the average American citizen "the uneducated class", without realizing that if it weren't for these Americans they would still be eating the crumbs of some absolute king and would have zero degree of literacy.

Unfortunately, this know-it-all and anti-progress school of resentment has penetrated American education and the left has taken advantage of it. Today it would be unthinkable to see the wife of a presidential candidate to call for the fight against communism, as Jacqueline Kennedy has done in support of her husband JFK. On the contrary, the current president and his family have strong and proven dark and corrupt business ties with the Chinese Communist Party.

Biden did not arrive at the White House by chance, nor because he got the votes he needed to get there. At least, not in a transparent way. He is there because Trump had to be removed at any price. So it was.

Biden did not disembark in the White House alone, he was accompanied by a team with strong ties to the more radical left.

I understand that saying that in the United States there was a massive fraud and that the extreme left has taken over the Democratic Party make the “experts” and the public opinion formed with TED talk uncomfortable, but unfortunately the evidence of fraud are monstrous and the actions of the Democrats confirm daily that they do not follow the ideas of either Jefferson, or Madison, but that of Mao or Xi Jinping.

Nothing left the Biden administration's anti-American strategy more in evidence than his handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Many will say that it is all a consequence of Trump's "pact with the Taliban". Well, if that pact had been fulfilled, the result would have been the one achieved when it came into force: no deaths and the Taliban outside of Afghanistan.

The pact, like all policies that resulted from the Trump presidency, has been scrapped in the first weeks of the Biden term. No one can deny it; this was publicized, applauded and defended by those who had predicted the third world war as a consequence of Donald Trump's hairstyle.

Financing Iran, closing the pipeline in the United States but allowing Russia to build its gas pipeline, opening the southern border and invite an uncontrolled invasion, kneeling before Europe by signing the anti-productive and anti-private property project called the "Paris Agreement", taking three days to speak out on the protests against the Cuban communist dictatorship, re-financing Maduro, calling “terrorists” to those who defend the founding principles of the United States, but trusting the Taliban terrorists with security, accusing of racism to those who defend the Second Amendment, but calling “peaceful protesters” to those who burn businesses and throw away the Lincoln statue, delivering a lethal blow to the country's energy self-supply and kneel before the OPEC, are actions that summarize in a overwhelming way the achievements of the Biden administration.

Nothing of what the White House has done in these nine months has been malpractice. It was not by mistake the return of power to Russia, nor was it opening the way to Chinese expansionism, financing Iran and handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban.

What are the evidence to affirm such a thing? Facts are. There are two options. Or those who are now in the highest echelons of the United States government and the military hierarchies do not have the slightest idea of what they do or they did it on purpose.

Even a child could have guessed that the consequences of abandoning billions of dollars in weapons, of leaving the Afghan forces without support or supplies would lead them to forced surrender and to the takeover of territory and weapons by the Taliban. The equation is quite easy; no margin for error. The result was obvious.

How did the events unfold?

First of all, it must be remembered that the goal of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan is a long-standing one. It does not go back to the presidency of Donald Trump, but to the end of the Bush administration. People were tired of the wars in the Middle East, and that is why Barack Hussein Obama used this subject to campaign during the 2008 presidential election. He promised to get out of Iraq. He and Hillary Clinton did it in such a way that they succeeded in reinforcing and expanding ISIS.

In the Trump era, thanks to the successful missions in the Middle East, the advance of ISIS in Syria and Iraq was strongly reversed and their terrorist structure was almost completely eliminated. Having achieved this, the next objective was Afghanistan, where it was decided to lower the number of troops and elaborate a way to end the American military intervention in that country.

Mike Pompeo not only met with the Taliban, he also met with the entire political arc of Afghanistan. The conditions of these talks can be summarized like this: the Taliban was going to receive a response of unexpected magnitudes if they touched a single American or if they established alliances with other terrorist groups. The idea was not to trust them; the idea was to corner them.

It is important to remind pundits of poor memory that the deal with the Taliban was started by Obama and that the differences with that of Trump and Pompeo are significant. The Democrat's pact was secret and only became known when the terrorists made it known, and as a consequence Obama freed from Guantanamos the “Taliban dream team”, so called for being high strategists of the 9/11 attack. This, and not Trump's, is the pact that the current American president followed.

Joe Biden, like Obama, has made an immeasurable effort since day one of his presidency to transform and bring the United States to the level of the Latin American third world or the always lagging continental Europe. This was evident in Afghanistan, a place that served as the perfect setting to artificially corrode – in a very devastating way - the image, power and efficiency of the United States Armed Forces.

The date for the withdrawal that had been established by the Trump administration (only if the conditions were in place) was set for May 1. When Biden became president, in the midst of dismantling the policies of the previous administration, he decided that the withdrawal would be on September 11. A very significant date that would give him the possibility to attend the ceremony for the twenty years of the biggest terrorist attack on American soil and to self congratulate him for having brought the final peace with the end of the war in Afghanistan.

Faced with criticism for the opportunism of the chosen date, he had a "better" idea and changed the date again. In April he announced that he had already ordered and started the withdrawal. In May the Taliban began to advance through Afghanistan and Biden's reaction was not to counterattack as indicated in the pact that he said to follow, what he finally did was to accelerate the withdrawal of troops.

On July 6, 90% of the operations were concluded, with the finishing touch of the abandonment of the Bagram air base.

These are the actions that show that the pact of conditions imposed by the Trump administration to the Taliban was not followed at all. Joe Biden accelerated the evacuation of those who were armed leaving the unarmed adrift, closed the only air base that could guarantee safe evacuation and left the Kabul airport as the only exit, where there are no minimum conditions to be able to carry out this task in a country taken over by terrorism.

As if all of the above was not enough, the fundamental guidelines of a military withdrawal were not met: dismantling the bases, destroying weapons that cannot be carried and burning papers with sensitive information. All of this remained intact at the fingertips of the Taliban, who are friends and associates of the Chinese Communist Party.

If all this does not attract enough attention to clarify that nothing was a mistake, you just have to go a little deeper.

Surely, at this instance the question that arises comes from the excuse that Joe Biden has given. These military bases, these weapons and everything else were not made available to the Taliban, but to the Afghan armed forces, but they decided to surrender to the terrorist movement instead of defending their country, so why should Americans stay and risk their lives to defend Afghanistan?

This shortcut that the Democrat president took to defend himself is a misleading. Although the behavior of the Afghan soldiers was not always exemplary (even before the American withdrawal), the truth is that they could not do anything to counterattack, because they had been abandoned.

The military structure in Afghanistan worked as follows: Afghan forces depended on American forces. Air support was essential not only to carry out attacks on enemy targets, but also as a way to resupply those who operated in ground positions.

Joe Biden ordered the evacuation of the supply providers, the aircraft maintenance team and closed the base by withdrawing the soldiers in charge of air support. He did not give any warning to the Afghan forces.

They turned off the light and left. The Bagram's base was immediately taken by the mobs so when the Afghan military arrived at the base, it was already totally looted.

The Afghan soldiers, even if they wanted to, would not have been able to defend themselves. They were left without supplies, without intelligence, without any point of support. They only had to surrender to the Taliban, and that is what they did.

When Kabul finally fell, the State Department began sending visas online without names, causing the chaos that we saw on television and social networks. Few missed the opportunity to get this email and add their name to it.

We were also able to observe the lack of control and preparation of the Kabul airport to achieve an orderly and safe evacuation and the planes taking off among crowds of people with the high risk that this implies both for those on the runway and for those on the plane. Also, what would happen if there was an attack on those planes? It has happened before and it can happen now. Who is Biden going to blame?

For the moment and despite the chaos, the planes managed to take off, but this did not prevent the enemies of the free world from starting to act, exploding two bombs and leaving hundreds of wounded and dead, among them thirteen American soldiers. It was the largest casualty in a decade.

Although today we see it from a distance, the perception that could lead us to think that the problem is only in Afghanistan is false. This chaos is a problem for the whole world. Joe Biden's actions have consequences.

In this new scenario designed and carried out with total perfection by the Democratic Party, a large subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party, terrorism again took control.

Russia once again with power over Europe, communist China rubbing its hands to enter Taiwan and advance through the world with its totalitarian imperial project called the Belt and Road Initiative, the Taliban owning territory again, state-of-the-art weapons and advanced military bases to their disposition, Iran making a fool of Biden after he sent them again a huge amount of money and the southern borders open to an unprecedented invasion, the threats to the free world have never been so many.

We are not just talking about a scenario where you can blow up a skyscraper, or kill passersby; the complexity has gone to a level of nuclear danger.

Perhaps, this hypothesis sounds far-fetched, but it ceases to be so when we pay attention and see who the world “players” that look "strong" are and the weakness the United States is reflecting. This was a manufactured weakness; but weakness at last.

China, Iran, Russia and the Taliban in command of Afghanistan, allied with groups that were once their enemies are now together with a common goal: to destroy Uncle Sam. How would they do it? There are many possible ways, but it only takes an open border and the free access of anyone who decides to set up a caravan to invade a country. Everything is served on a tray.

As Biden takes the Taliban as allies and provides them with lists with the whole information of the Americans and Afghans who for twenty years were annihilating terrorists, the whole world became, once again, a dangerous place. Meanwhile, the shield of the free world, the United States of America, is showing weakness in its decisions, in its defense standards, but above all in the morale of those who lead this great country.

No "expert" in lexical juggling to justify the unjustifiable can stop the danger that has been imposed on the world today. No third world snob in his constant exercise to be the most useful idiot can defuse the bombs that are beginning to kill thousands of innocent people.

As usual, the only ones who can avoid this madness are the Americans, the same ones who have always fought and died for their freedom, for the freedom of the whole world and even for the freedom of those who envy them, their success and their way of life.

For this to happen, the first thing Americans have to acknowledge is that they do not have an inexperienced person in the White House, but the enemy. Nothing is a mistake. It is all intended. If time and time again they have tried to twist the principles of the American republic and federalism within the United States, even on issues that have a lot of opposition, why would not try to wipe out the solemnity of America and its armed forces when they have the possibility to do it within easy reach and without objection?

Surely, the American people, that sleeping giant who is being haunted by the culture of cancellation, will awaken and, once again, will teach a lesson in courage and freedom.

Unfortunately, in these instances, the price to pay will once again be very high. Since far from having finished a warlike conflict, a new war has begun.

Virginia Tuckey.-


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